A Little Art, Bevo the Cowfish and.. a video????
I can't believe the year is coming to a close. I honestly have no idea how that happened! The new 150 is doing well, minus the fact that I blasted too much light on the purple stylo and it is currently not too pleased with me. I did get a new clam last week! A blue squamosa. I absolutely love tridacnids and hope to keep adding to the collection. Right now, I've got all blue ones so now I need to find some more colors.
Like I said, the tank is doing well so far. It's still new. I'm still waiting for the case of the uglies like cyano, etc. that always seems to plague a new build. But in the meantime, I'm really enjoying it.
Bevo, the longhorn cowfish, continues to make me laugh. He is constantly begging for food and eats out of my hand! He's growing pretty quickly. He is a terrible swimmer so I'm still nervous that he will end up in a powerhead, but so far he seems to be faring well.
Here's a video of the goofball.
I loaded up a video of the tank from the other day as well. I am really loving this new tank! I could stare at it all day.
Short video of my 150 gallon reef tank
I've been getting some paintings done for holiday orders. I am booked with custom orders through April of next year which is just crazy to me! Good problem to have, however, I've opted to stop taking custom orders as being that far booked up just seems ridiculous. I will have plenty of paintings available for sale in the coming year however!
Help me name this one!
This rainbow zoa painting needs a name! It's 6"x6" on wood panel
Another purple monster...
A WWC Purple Monster! I love these zoas and they're always fun to paint. This is also 6"x6".
As always, thanks for reading and I'd love to hear from you! Comment below!