ReefWeeds LIVE! Tank Live Cam is up!
Well, I'm not ever going to say I'll post more tomorrow because it never fails: tomorrow ends up being crazy and I don't do the blog.
A snapshot from my live tank cam.
It's now like 5 days after tomorrow but I do have an update! I finally installed my live tank cam. I've wanted to do this for a couple years now. I love watching other peoples' tank cams and figure maybe people would want to see mine. Either way, I find it fun to check out. It will also be nice when I'm on the road to be able to check in on the tank.
It took me a bit to get the positioning where I wanted it.
Another shot from the Wyzecam
I originally bought a wyzecam as I had heard good things about the quality - and they're really reasonably priced at $20. Since I know so little about live streaming, I didn't think to check ahead of time if you can actually embed the stream into a website. Unfortunately, wyze ONLY works with their app and you can only share the feed with other wyzecam users. It's a limited audience for sure. It's unfortunate as the quality is actually surprisingly good and the photo features as well as the time lapse feature are awesome I'm including some photos here I took with the wyzecam.
We've had a Nest Cam for a year so I snagged that and put it in front of my tank. Since Nest Cams go for around $200 rather than the $20 wyzecam, I'm going to need to find something else to put in its place. Plus, I don't think the quality is as good. But it did let me get my live cam up and running. I was on a mission! I messed around with the positioning quite a bit and probably will continue to do so. I like the end of my tank where the clowns and bubble tip reside as all the fish seem to congregate there throughout the day. It will provide the most activity by far. But I do hope to set up a few other mounts so I can move the camera every so often to show everyone a different view of the tank. I’m editing to add the link and instructions on how to access the live feed! Here’s the link!!
Lou Schiavo hard at work at the WWC Coral Farm
On to the art show! Justin Credabel Grabel is having a cool show at his Coral Lab/Gallery (Credabel Coral Lab) on January 27th. Reef Koi Series #1 will be for sale at the event! If you're in the Southeastern Connecticut area that weekend, stop by Credabel Coral Lab and check it out. Here's a link to more information on the show. it will run from January 27 through February 11.
I love this photo Lou Schiavo of World Wide Corals posted. The piece he's in front of was one of the custom zoanthid gardens I did for World Wide Corals last year. Victor and Lou are such nice guys and I can't thank them enough for the exposure they've given me. They were awesome to work with.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading and comment below! Check out the webcam and let me know what you think.
Oh and of course I need to include a photo of Bevo.